
The Chinese New Year is fast approaching again, a time of festive celebrations, family, fun and of course beautiful, delicious food lovingly prepared and cooked for the ones we love and care about. Here is a selection of my favorite dishes on my menu for this New Years. Watch me in my kitchen prepare and cook these dishes and maybe I can provide you with some ideas for your Chinese New Year menu. Enjoy and Happy New Year to you and your family from me and mine.
The Chinese New Year is fast approaching again, a time of festive celebrations, family, fun and of course beautiful, delicious food lovingly prepared and cooked for the ones we love and care about. Here is a selection of my favorite dishes on my menu for this New Years. Watch me in my kitchen prepare and cook these dishes and maybe I can provide you with some ideas for your Chinese New Year menu. Enjoy and Happy New Year to you and your family from me and mine.
2. 鱼身两面剃花刀,直刀走,平刀进,翻出来,划一刀,注意不要切断。
3. 淀粉、面粉、鸡蛋和适量水调成面浆。
4. 淋在鱼表面以及剃好的花刀上。
6. 取一根筷子伸入鱼嘴,同时提起筷子和鱼尾用手捏紧,放入油锅,先炸中段定型,用勺子将热油不断淋在鱼表面行成一层薄壳固定后,将鱼放入锅中炸至表面金黄酥脆,捞出控油晾凉。
7. 将酱汁调料放入炒锅中熬制红亮粘稠后浇在鱼身上点缀即可。
